Monday, 3 March 2008

sex & the citeyy

 Plutselig var den der. For på en eller annen random side, lå linken. Linken som ledet meg videre til traileren til tidenes film. Håper jeg. Nemlig Sex & The City, The Movie.
Can't Wait!

Noen quotes fra serien mens vi venter;
-Samantha: "You know me, I don't really believe in marriage. Now, botox on the other hand, that works every time!"

-Carrie: "If you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous!"

-Charlotte: "I've been dating since I was 15. Where is he?"

-Miranda: "When you're married you have a different sets of priorities."
-Samantha: "This one's married, and she's not growing a national forest!"


sam said...

Amagaad! det må bare bli bra.
girls night out når den kommer altså ;*

strike-a-pose said...

thihi ja, gleder meg veldig <3

MagnusQtie said...

Filmen kommer i mai?

strike-a-pose said...

har verdenspremiere i mai har jeg hørt :)